Electronic Components

Electronic components serve as the foundation for electronic circuits. These components supply the functionality required for the circuit to complete the specified purpose. Wires or conductive traces on a printed circuit board link these in a circuit. They are commonly composed of metal and silicon, and they come in a range of forms and sizes.

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Buy Electronic Components Online India

Electronic components includes capacitors, resistors, switches and integrated circuits (ICs). These components are the building blocks of electronic devices.

Robocraze is the best electrical components online store and a one-stop shop for all your electronic needs. Our extensive variety includes LEDs, resistors, capacitors, and other components for both beginner and expert enthusiasts.

Our electronic components have been designed to the highest standards, which guarantees dependable performance for your applications. Our components provide limitless options due to innovative technology and high-quality materials, which makes Robocraze the trusted electronics parts supplier.

We understand the challenges you may face in your projects, and our components are designed to solve those challenges effectively.

Discover the world of electronics with Robocraze. order your electronic components from our online store with COD and Free shipping and embark on your next exciting project.


If you are in Bangalore, and looking for electronic components shop. You can visit Robocraze Located at Ground Floor, 912/10 Survey no. 104, 4th G street, Chelekare, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru - 560043.

Why Choose Robocraze for Electronic Components? 

  1. Extensive Selection: Discover our wide range of high-quality LEDs, resistors, oscillators, diodes, potentiometers, switches, integrated circuits, cables, connectors, and more. 
  2. No need to waste time on hunting for exactly what you need because we have 500+ items in stock.
  3. Enjoy reasonable pricing on all of our electronic accessories with high quality.  
  4. Take advantage of our current electronics parts shop sale and unique offers. 

Why Robocraze?

  1. Safely Delivering Genuine Products PAN INDIA
  2. Technical Support
  3. Secure Payments

Price List of Electronic Components in India 2024:

Electronic component namePrice (in INR)
LEDs1 - 10
ICs5 - 300
Resistors20 - 50
Potentiometers5 - 20
Capacitors20 - 50
Inductors20 - 50
Transistors5 - 50
Diodes10 - 20
Relays25 - 100
Switches10 - 100
Buzzers10 - 25
Breadboard45 - 150
Jumper Wires (Set of 10)30 - 80
Soldering Kits200 - 500
Multimeters150 - 1000
Batteries5 - 1200
Power Supply & Convertors5 - 250
Thermostat5 - 200


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1. How to test/check electronic components?

With a digital multimeter

Resistors: To check the resistance of a resistor, First set the multimeter in resistance mode. Connect the probe on both the terminals. The resistance value will displayed on the multimeter. The value might differ a little bit from the exact resistance. For reference you can always use a color code chart.

Capacitors: Set the multimeter in continuity mode. After connecting connect the multimeter's leads across the capacitor. You will hear a  beep as you connect the leads across the capacitor. If it does, it means the capacitor is not working as capacitors do not conduct DC currents.

Diodes: Measure the forward bias voltage with the multimeter in diode mode. It should be between 0.5-0.7 V for a silicon diode and 0.2-0.3 V for a germanium diode. If it displays O.L. or values less than those specified, the diodes are either blown out or shorted out.

With a circuit board

LED: You can build a circuit that takes 5V input to the positive lead of the LED and connects a 330+ ohm resistor in series between the power source and the LED (to limit the current). Ground should be connected to the negative lead. If the LED glows when the power is turned on, it means the LED is working properly.

Resistance and capacitance can be checked while the device is in operation by measuring the voltage between the two leads with a multimeter.

2. How to solder electronic components?

Soldering is the process of joining two or more metal objects together by melting and pouring a filler metal into the joint, the filler metal having a relatively low melting point. Used to create permanent connections between electronic components.

The tools required for soldering are

1. Soldering Wire

2. Solder Iron

3. Flux

4. Soldering Station (optional)

5. Stand (optional)

3. What are the electronics components?

Electronic components are the key building blocks of any electronic device. These components come in a wide variety, including capacitors, resistors, switches and integrated circuits (ICs). While each component may have slightly different characteristics or performance specifications depending on its type and manufacture origin, they all work together to form an electrical circuit that allows electricity to flow from one point to another. Many complex devices use combinations of these various types of components working in tandem with others for operation. 

4. Where to buy electronic components online in Bangalore?

Robocraze is the leading provider for all your electronics needs. From integrated circuits to resistors and capacitors, we offer a wide range of products that can be ordered directly from our website. Our highly experienced team provides excellent customer service along with competitive rates - making sure you get exactly what you're paying for without any hassle whatsoever. Plus, orders over Rs499 qualify for free home delivery; ensuring a convenient shopping experience every time! So go ahead – browse our extensive catalog today to find just what it takes to start building towards something great!

5. What are passive electronic components?

Passive electronic components are essential in the manufacture of a wide variety of products. These parts not only carry signals and power but also provide stability, filtering, impedance matching, surge protection and other critical elements that enable complex systems to function properly. Passive components do not require energy to operate or generate an output signal; they simply react to already existing electrical charges. Many common examples include resistors, capacitors used for AC/DC applications respectively as well as inductors which are employed with all kinds of filters for frequency based control purposes. 

6. Why do we consider only voltage at the time of purchasing electronic components?

It is crucial to consider the voltage required for the device to work properly. Most electrical parts have characteristics that are fundamentally affected by voltage, especially capacitors and the conductance of semiconductors. As such, it is easier to implement complex circuitry using a constant voltage supply and allow the current consumed to vary as it may. 

7. What are active electronic components?

Active electronic components are vital to any circuit design. They generate, amplify, and control electrical signals within a device or system. Active components include transistors and thyristors that perform logic functions; integrated circuits for processing digital information such as micro-processors; diodes that regulate current flow in one direction only; capacitors used to store energy before releasing it through the circuit board circuitry according to preprogrammed parameters; transformers which transmit power from AC mains sources into other types of voltage levels suitable for usage in low amperage applications such as tiny motors or actuators controlling valves inside an industrial process plant. The list goes on - these devices have become invaluable aides both in commercial arenas where they facilitate production processes and consumer electronics with their countless entertainment opportunities across different media platforms. 

8. What are basic electronic components?

Basic electronic components are essential building blocks for the development of projects and products in various industries such as automotive, robotics, consumer electronics, medical device manufacturing and more. These include resistors, capacitors, transistors, crystal oscillators, diodes, integrated circuits (ICs), connectors. 

9. What materials are used for electronic components?

Electronic components are the building blocks of modern technology. They have been crafted with a wide variety of materials over the years. Common materials used for these parts include copper wire, solder alloy metals such as tin-lead or silver-tin combinations; ceramic substrates like alumina (Al2O3); semiconductor wafers made from silicon and gallium arsenide; printed circuit boards comprising layers of dielectric material along with metal wiring patterns allowing energy signals to travel rapidly between components; various types of passive elements such as capacitors – maleable plastic devices that store electrical charge – inductors which help regulate AC current within circuits; integrated circuits comprised mainly out transistors embedded into tiny ‘chips’ designed to command power delivery around electrical systems accurately and reliably - all this is just some examples!

10. How to prevent power fluctuations from damaging electronic components?

Power fluctuations can cause serious damage to electronic components and systems. To prevent this, it is important to use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that offers a reliable source of electricity with surge protection devices for instantaneous response times in the event of a sudden voltage spike or drop. It's also beneficial to install noise filters on both AC and DC inputs and outputs in order to reduce electromagnetic interference from other equipment within your environment such as motors or transformers. Furthermore, you should ensure that any capacitors used are rated correctly based upon their intended application in order to maximize its lifespan without compromising performance integrity throughout operation . The proper maintenance of these components is paramount; conducting regular system tests will allow you identify any areas susceptible over time so potential issues may be addressed before they become something more dire down the line.

11. How to connect electronic components in a breadboard?

Connecting electronic components in a breadboard can be quite tricky. To ensure the device is wired correctly and safely, it's important to first identify what type of connection each component needs. Firstly, check whether each component has its own ground wire (the negative side) or if several wires are combined as one single ground line. Secondly, align all +V (positive voltage supplies) power pins with their corresponding -V (negative rail). Ensure that no two components have overlapping polarity on either sides before connecting them together using copper wires or clip-on jumpers respectively for better connectivity and less resistance against current flow due to poor contact points between ICs and other various connector pins within the board itself. Lastly double-check your connections multiple times since wrong wiring could potentially damage expensive parts instead of ensuring proper functionality!

12. How to store electronic components?

To ensure the best storage practices, it’s recommended that all components be stored away from heat sources such as windows, radiators or heating systems; prevent dust by using special covers on shelves; store similar types of products together where possible; label containers clearly so they are easy to identify during retrieval operations and use racks if storing many small pieces of equipment like screws, nuts etc..