BBC Micro:Bit - Authorized Distributor

BBC micro:bit is a small, programmable computer developed by the BBC for educational purposes. It is a versatile device for hands-on learning experiences.

23 products

BBC Micro:Bit

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that shows how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors, and many inputs and outputs that, when programmed, allow it to interact with you and your world. The micro:bit helps you understand how computers work. Whether you're typing on your laptop or touching your phone's screen, you're using an input device. Inputs allow the computer to capture what's happening in the real world, so that it can react to them and do something, usually with an output such as a screen or headphones.


Robocraze has a great collection of micro:bit kits and cases. If you want genuine micro:bit you can easily place your order from us at the best price.


read more: Applications of Microbit


Prices of micro:bit India

Item namePrice in INR
BBC Micro:Bit V2.2 Go Kit3562/-
BBC Micro:Bit V2.22250/-

Note: The price keeps changing. The above-mentioned table is for approx. range.


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1. What age is BBC micro:bit for?

  • As Per Micro:Bit brand itself, the BBC micro:bit and the resources provided on this website are designed for those aged between 8 - 14 year old.

2. Why did BBC make micro:bit?

  • Micro:Bit was designed to encourage children to  actively participate in creating software for their computers and building new ones, rather than consuming media. It is designed to work with other systems such as the Raspberry Pi and builds on his BBC legacy with his BBC Micro for computing in education.

3. Is micro:bit discontinued?

  • No, The BBC micro:bit is not discontinued. 

4. What does the Micro:bit do?

  • It shows how software and hardware work together. It can be programmed to be a digital clock, fitness tracker, game console, and much more. The device has 25 LED lights and 2 programmable buttons that you can use in-game or skip tracks in your playlist. 

5. What is a Micro:bit in simple words?

  • It is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that you can program and physically interact with. The latest micro:bit adds sound sensing and playback capabilities.

6. Is micro:bit owned by Microsoft?

  • As per BBC, The development of the Micro Bit is a product of a number of partners working with the BBC: Microsoft – contributed its software expertise and customized the Touch Develop platform to work with the device. It hosts the projects and code for users of the device.