5 star
These work well, loud. And no need to send them pulses from a microcontroller, just apply AC and they produce a continuous tone.
When you shop for ₹ 2500 or more.Applicable on Checkout.
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An audio signaling device like a beeper or buzzer may be electromechanical or piezoelectric or mechanical type. The main function of this is to convert the signal from audio to sound. Generally, it is powered through DC voltage and used in timers, alarm devices, printers, alarms, computers, etc. Based on the various designs, it can generate different sounds like alarms, music, bells & sirens.
Minimum sound level | 85db |
Oscillation frequency | 4KHz ± 500Hz |
Current consumption | Maximum 15mA |
Operating voltage | 1.5 to 27 VDC |
Tone | Continuous |
Mounting | Flange Type |
Wire/Lead length | 120mm 2 wire |
Height | 16.5mm |
Diameter | 32mm |
Pitch | 38mm |
Operating temperature range | 20 to 50 °C |
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