Innovative Tinkering PM Shri Robotics Lab by Robocraze

Innovative Tinkering PM Shri Robotics Lab by Robocraze


The challenge of keeping students interested and motivated about studying is one that many institutions face today. It's common for traditional schools to fall short in encouraging creativity and preparing pupils for the future.

By developing Innovative Tinkering Labs, which provide a hands-on, engaging learning environment, the PM SHRI Yojana aims to reverse this. Pioneers in STEM and robotics education, Robocraze, are leading the charge to set up these labs.

We'll go over the PM SHRI Yojana's definition and how to build up these state-of-the-art STEM laboratories in this blog. You won't want to miss this, I assure you!

What is PM SHRI Yojana

The PM SHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) Yojana, which the Indian government launched in 2022, is outstanding!

What is PM SHRI Yojana

It aims to improve approximately 14,500 schools managed by various governmental bodies, including the Central Government, State Governments, Union Territory Governments, local governments, Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVS), and Navodaya Vidyalayas (NVS), with a five-year investment of Rs. 27,360 crore.

Robocraze is fully aligned with the lab requirements and guidelines to set up well-designed and effective STEM & Robotics Labs, which makes us the preferred partner for establishing PM Shri Robotics Labs in Schools.

Check out our blog Introducing Tinkering Labs in PM SHRI Schools for STEM and Robotics Education in India 

Features of the PM SHRI Robotics Lab:

Features of the PM SHRI Robotics Lab

Equitable and Inclusive Education:

They’re all about giving top-notch education to kids from all kinds of backgrounds and making sure everyone gets involved in their own learning.

Leadership and Mentorship:

PM SHRI Schools will actually help other schools in their area by guiding and mentoring them.

Green Initiatives:

These PM SHRI Robotics labs are planned to be eco-friendly, with solar panels, waste management, and support green technologies.

Experiential and Holistic Pedagogy:

The teaching methods are hands-on and playful, especially for younger kids, and are all about making learning fun and flexible.

Competency-Based Assessment:

They’ll assess students based on how well they understand and use what they’ve learned in real-life situations.

Resource Evaluation:

They’re constantly checking and improving the resources available in schools to make sure everything is up to scratch.

Industry and Skill Council Linkages:

The schools will link up with local industries and skill councils to boost job opportunities for students.

School Quality Assessment Framework (SQAF):

There’s a framework in place to measure and ensure the quality of the schools.

Regular Quality Evaluation:

They’ll keep checking in regularly to make sure the schools stay top-notch.

Know more about How Robotics & STEM Tinkering Labs in Schools are Beneficial For Students 

Features of Innovative Tinkering Labs by Robocraze

Features of Innovative Tinkering Labs

Wide Range of Tools: We provide everything from DIY robot kits for kids to microscopes, glassware, and safety gear for science experiments. We also offer 3D printers and coding software to explore technology and engineering.

Engineering Supplies: For engineering projects, we supply electrical components, building materials, and construction tools. We also provide youngsters with design tools so they can create and develop their ideas.

Robotics Materials & equipment Station: We sell components and equipment for creating and programming robots, such as sensors, microcontrollers, motors, and assembly kits. This station gives kids hands-on experience with robots, developing technical skills and creativity.

NEP-Aligned Curriculum: We assist you in designing your school's curriculum in accordance with the most recent NEP 2020 standards and NCF-2023 framework, ensuring that your teaching is current.

Smart Classroom Technology: To make learning more dynamic and engaging, our laboratories are equipped with Smart Class Technology, which includes interactive whiteboards and digital projectors.

Flexible Lab Layout: We design our STEM and Robotic labs to accommodate a variety of group sizes and project kinds. There are separate areas for solo work, collaborative projects, and displaying student work.

Faculty Training: We offer Faculty Development Program for teachers in STEM, Robotics, AI, and ML, so they can teach these subjects effectively and stay current with new technologies.

Get the quote for your PM SHRI Robotic Lab.


The PM SHRI Yojana, which started in 2022, aims to renovate around 14,500 schools with a significant expenditure of Rs. 27,360 crore over five years.

It aims to improve education via hands-on learning, green practices, and innovative teaching techniques.

Robocraze is the best option for setting up these STEM laboratories. We give a range of tools, adhere to current criteria, and integrate smart technology and instructor training.

With over 1,000 successful installations in leading institutions, Robocraze is the go-to partner for designing contemporary, and highly efficient PM SHRI Robotics Labs.

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