How Robotics & STEM Tinkering Labs in Schools are Beneficial For Students

How Robotics & STEM Tinkering Labs in Schools are Beneficial For Students


Ready to make a classroom where students engage with science and technology, and build hands-on projects rather than simply rote learning about it from textbooks.

Our Robotics & STEM Tinkering Labs offer practical learning that enhances critical thinking skills, and provides the students with a dynamic and engaging environment — a room where learning becomes an exciting adventure.

Let’s explore how STEM labs can make learning exciting for your students and help them develop important skills, to make their education more enjoyable.

We’ll also cover how to set up a STEM lab to make it a place where creativity and teamwork thrive. Discover how STEM labs can make a big difference in your students’ education and prepare them for the future!

What Is Robocraze's Tinkering Lab or STEM Lab?

Robocraze’s Tinkering Lab, or STEM Lab, is designed to give students of all grades a hands-on, practical learning experience.

We’ve succeeded with other schools by providing labs with the latest tools, like VR headsets, 3D printers, robotics kits, high-grade microcontrollers, and digital microscopes.

Also, our laboratories have 8 separate tech zones in 1 place, that enable students to experience a variety of STEM activities.

We understand how important a good learning environment is, therefore our laboratories include comfortable workstations and lots of storage to keep things organized.

Safety is very important to us. We ensure that all relevant safety equipment, including as goggles and fire extinguishers, are available. We also offer designated locations for workshops and initiatives with industry specialists.

Our labs our designed as per the provided guidelines and follow the NEP-2020 curriculum, making us on of the preferred partners for PM SHRI Tinkering Labs in PM SHRI Schools and also AICTE IDEA Labs.

6-step Teaching Methodology Of Robocraze’s Tinkering Lab

6-step Teaching Methodology Of Robocraze’s Tinkering Lab

When setting up a STEM lab at your school, Robocraze’s six-step teaching method can make a big difference.

We start by asking students interesting questions about their projects to get them excited and thinking clearly about what they want to achieve.

Then students do research by using tools, speaking with teachers, collaborating with STEM volunteers, and searching up information online. This helps them understand what's already available and how to improve on it.

The children then collaborate to discuss ideas, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to contribute their opinions. They plan strategies for implementing their ideas.

After planning, students build prototypes and test their ideas. Finally, students examine their work, receive feedback and consider ways to improve their projects.

This technique makes learning more dynamic and entertaining, allowing students to master critical abilities while working on real-world challenges.


Read more about Innovative Tinkering PM Shri Robotics Lab by Robocraze 

Benefits of STEM Labs in Schools:

Benefits of STEM Labs in Schools

Encourages Trying New Things: STEM labs give students the freedom to experiment and learn from their mistakes, showing them that failure is just part of learning.

Creates a Supportive Space: It’s not just about having the right tools; a good STEM lab makes students feel inspired and supported, helping them be more creative and understand difficult ideas.

Builds Important Skills: Hands-on projects and interactive learning help students gain important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Makes Learning Fun: Rather than memorizing facts, students engage in practical projects and learn in a more interesting manner, which allows them to better understand STEM concepts.

Invest in the Future: By investing on STEM education, we’re not just teaching students to use technology; we prepare them to create new technology and solve important problems in the future.

Prepares for Future Jobs: These laboratories assist students in preparing for successful professions in the future, as many well-paying positions require strong STEM abilities.

Read more about Introducing Tinkering Labs in PM SHRI Schools for STEM and Robotics Education in India 

How Robocraze Designs STEM Labs for Schools:

Robocraze is dedicated to creating an environment that is both useful and engaging for children when it comes to establishing a STEM lab in schools or Atal Tinkering Labs. This is how we're going about it:

Eight Tech Zones: We design eight separate spaces within the lab each dedicated to a certain task. This design helps students to do a range of projects in specialized spaces.

3D Layout of STEM Lab

3D Layout: We carefully planning the arrangement using a 3D layout of STEM Labs to make sure that the lab is well-organized and has plenty of room for both solo and teamwork. This makes using and navigating the lab area simple.

Essential Furniture: Your lab will be equipped with,

  • Work tables for various projects.
  • An electronics workstation and a soldering booth can be used for more thorough work.
  • Tools and heavy workstations for construction.
  • A 3D printing station for developing prototypes.
  • Workbenches and testing tables for robotics.
  • Computer stations for coding and digital projects.
  • A teacher’s table for overseeing activities.
  • IoT Station with our IOTIF kit to help get the students started with the basic concepts of Internet of Things through plug-and-play model. The kit also supports advanced learning.
  • Quadcopter Station for aerial projects.

STEM Lab Equipment: We include a range of advanced kits and equipment to support different activities, ensuring students have everything they need for hands-on learning.

Check out our STEM and Robotics Lab page to see how we can create an exciting high-tech lab just for you! 

About Robocraze:

At Robocraze, we offer high-quality, durable, and safe kit that fits with your current setup. We focus on providing plug-and-play based setups that do not require much infrastructural changes.

Our deliveries are on time, and we provide professional installation and thorough Faculty Development Program. We have excellent customer support and clear pricing with no hidden fees.

Our equipment matches your academic requirements and is aligned to NEP 2020 curriculum. We provide useful teaching resources and learning material for the overall development of your child.

We ensure to build a STEM lab which is a hub for creativity and practical learning.

Key Reasons to Select Robocraze for STEM Lab Setup

  • Our STEM lab setups align with CBSE/IB curriculum as per the NEP 2020.
  • We provide a vast selection of science lab supplies and equipment for all STEM subjects.
  • 5-day initial training session for all teachers.
  • Two additional 2-day training sessions each year on demand.
  • A dedicated Customer Relationship Manager to answer any questions.
  • We help with Technical Days and Exhibitions for students to showcase their creativity and academic growth.
  • Industry Collaboration and Exposure through Internships/Summer Camps.

Hey, want to transform your school with an amazing STEM lab? Visit our STEM Lab page or call us directly at 9100088099.  today! We’re experts at crafting and setting up custom, high-tech STEM labs


Robocraze’s Tinkering Lab, or STEM Lab, is designed to give students of all ages a hands-on and practical learning experience.

We equip our labs with the latest tools like 3D printers, quadcopter kits, robotics kits, and high-quality microcontrollers, all organized into eight separate tech zones.

This setup lets students work on different STEM activities in a well-planned and comfortable space.

Our six-step teaching method—Ask, Research, Plan, Create, Review, and Improve—helps students learn by doing, and helps them develop important skills to solve real-world problems.

Robocraze guarantees a STEM lab that will seamlessly promote innovation and education through transparent pricing, on-time delivery, expert installation, and ongoing support.

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