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12V Relay 12V relay which can be activated by a low-voltage control...
3D Printing Pens A 3D pen is a handheld device that allows...
3D Printer, 3D Pen, Filaments A 3D printer is a machine that...
5V Relays 5V relay which can be activated by a low-voltage control...
7 Segment LED Displays A 7-segment display is a type of electronic...
74HC IC Series The 74HC IC's (Integrated Circuits) are a family of...
8051 Boards 8051 boards are microcontroller development boards, which include features such...
AVR Microcontrollers, PIC Microcontrollers, ARM, 8051 Microcontrollers deliver the best possible combination of...
AC to DC Converter, Power Adapter AC/DC converters are devices that convert...
Accelerometers & Gyro Sensors A gyro sensor detects the rotation of an...
Accessories Batteries & Power Supply A battery holder is a device that...
BBC Micro:Bit Accessories
Development Board Accessories Choose from the wide array of best Development Board...
Robocraze, Ground Floor, 912/10 Survey no. 104 4th G street, Chelekare, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru - 560043 | Contact: +91 812 3057 137 © 2025, TIF Labs Pvt. Ltd.