Features and Advantages of NI Multisim

Features and Advantages of NI Multisim

What is Multisim Software

NI Multisim (formerly MultiSIM) is software for electronic schematic capture and simulation, which, along with NI Ultiboard, is part of a circuit design program suite. One of the few circuit design programs to employ the original software simulation-based on Berkeley SPICE is Multisim. Multisim was initially founded by a corporation called Electronics Workbench, a division of National Instruments. Multisim includes the simulation of microcontrollers (formerly known as MultiMCU) and the optimized import and export capabilities of the NI Ultiboard suite of PCB layout applications. Multisim is commonly used in academia and industry for circuit training, electronic configuration design, and SPICE simulation.

What is Multisim Software

Getting started with NI Multisim

NI Multisim plays an integral role in creating various projects, providing students with the opportunity to design the circuit. Both analog and digital circuits can be designed using multisim.

To get started with NI multisim, you have to first download the software from the following website - https://www.ni.com/en-in/support/downloads/software-products/download.multisim.html and then install it on your pc.

After this, all you have to do is create a National instruments account and use the institution's key to access all its various features. After this, anyone can start designing the electronic circuit or PCB layouts.

NI multisim also provides the feature to simulate the circuit then and there so that the final designs' fine-tuning can be done. All the necessary components required to design the schematics can be found on the NI database.

One must remember to add all the component libraries while installing the software. This software helps create the circuit with ease. It enables the designer to choose the best-suited variants of different components required and the optimum values for the complete circuit to function smoothly without fail. Various Youtube channels teach the basics of multisim from the grass-root level. 

 If you are someone who regularly deals with electronic circuitry and is involved in printed circuit board designing and is just starting in this field, NI multisim is your go-to software.


Topmost useful features of NI Multisim

The power to reinforce the concept with immersive circuit simulation

You can bring the concept theories to be practical without worrying about the SPICE syntax. Students can change values in real-time and see the changes instantly, which gives them clarity of the things going on. It can also answer their "what if" on the go. It makes self-learning more interesting and easy.

features of NI Multisim


Discovery with simulation guided instruments

With Multisim, students will drop simulation-driven instruments to the circuit configuration and communicate with the circuit as they do in the hardware lab. They can calculate, test, and troubleshoot a circuit with 22 standard tools that look and work like they’re real-world physical parallels. In addition to the Multisim range of materials, you can use the Agilent or Tektronix virtual instrument to show your students how to use these suppliers’ actual instrumentation.


Ability to Compare Simulated Data and Real Measurements from NI ELVIS inside Multisim

It offers a new approach to hands-on learning where students can simulate multisim and prototype it on NI ELVIS.


Ability to quickly locate the components that you like

NI Multisim has a massive database of components arranged categorically to find all their requirements for designing their components quickly. It has various components from leading manufacturers such as analog devices, texas instruments, and maxim microchip for students to know the equipment used for the industrial requirement.


Risk-Free Prototype in 3D Breadboard Environment

You can help students make hardware prototyping easier with the Multisim 3D breadboarding environment and choose from the typically utilized breadboard, NI ELVIS I, and NI ELVIS II breadboarding environments. Students may create their circuits and conduct experiments in a 3D breadboard environment.

Some practical examples where multisim is used

Applications for aerospace and national science

Multisim has proved its performance in a wide range of aerospace and national research fields, including data acquisition avionics devices, communications applications, and military systems electronics construction.


Applications for semiconductor research

 Multisim integrates an industry-leading simulation engine with a library of accurate semiconductor device vendors such as Analog Sensors, Maxim, Infineon, EPC, and more for an in-depth study of a diverse variety of applications.


Applications for energy and power in production industries

Power and energy systems are rapidly in need of sophisticated and reliable simulation technologies supported by the Multisim and NI LabVIEW device design tools.

Applications for automotive electronics

Leading global automotive makers, international car component producers, and small and medium-sized companies are developing car electronics faster with Multisim and Ultiboard.


Life Science Developments, Medical Devices and Bioinstrumentation

Multisim and NI Ultiboard provide technical experts and scholars with an intuitive but sophisticated framework for rapid prototyping, independent of design expertise.


This blog has been submitted by Cyborg, NIT Rourkela under the Robocraze Club Outreach Program.

Author: Khushi Agarwal

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