Witty Fox

Witty Fox is a TIF Lab creation. It is a collection of innovative products which are used for simplifying the process of prototyping for you. There are a wide range of products like Witty Fox ESP32 Storm Boards, Witty Fox ESP Programmer, Witty Fox S17021 humidity temperature sensor, Witty Fox OPT3001 ambient light sensor. 


Witty Fox - ESP32 Storm Board with Support for Battery Charging & Wireless Programming

A battery can be added to the Witty Fox Storm Board, an accessible ESP32 development board. Additionally, it has several power supply options, a built-in battery charging and discharging circuit, and the breakout of every GPIO pin. The board also has wireless programming capabilities right out of the box (OTA).

Witty Fox - ESP32 Storm Board with On-Board Li-ion Battery & Wireless Programming

This board is developed especially keeping the IoT applications in mind. You can upload your programs wirelessly (OTA) by default or connect to the laptop using Witty Fox ESP programmer. It also has an in built battery charging and protection system. This can be easily replaced by the user in case of any damage to the product. 

Witty Fox WF-05 Bluetooth Module

This is a UART based Bluetooth module. This board is capable of wirelessly connecting to devices like smartphones, laptops and other microcontrollers. This module incorporates a Bluetooth chip called Feasycom BT986 which supports Bluetooth 5.2 and latest technologies like EDR (Bluetooth enabled data rate) as well as Bluetooth low energy. 

Witty Fox - ESP Programmer | USB to TTL Converter

This board is used to make programming and debugging easier in the ESP series boards. This board is a more convenient CP2102-based USB to UART converter with built-in ESP re-set circuit. The CP2102 USB to UART converter-based Witty Fox ESP programmer is a programming device. No USB cable is provided.A reset switch and an ESP Reset circuit are included into the ESP programmer. Also works as a USB to TTL converter.There is a Micro USB connector on it. RX and TX LED indicators are used. 5V output for VBUSThe Witty Fox ESP programmer is advised for use with ATMEGA chips and ESP series boards.The Witty Fox programmer is completely original and in flawless operating order. For safety, it comes in excellent packaging.


Sensors - Witty Fox 

Witty Fox - OPT3001 Digital Ambient Light Sensor | Precise LUX meter sensor

Optical Filtering with High Precision to Match Human Eye: Rejects IR Measurements of 0.01 lux to 83 k lux by > 99 percent (usually). -40°C to +85°C is the operating temperature range.With Automatic Gain Ranging, It Has A 23-Bit Effective Dynamic Range.1.8 A is a low operating current (typically). Compatible with microcontrollers such as the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU, and others. 

Witty Fox NFC Communication Module


NFC Tag Type 4: Of all the tags, the Type 4 tag has the most flexibility and memory. It provides the tools required for real authentication. SRAM with 3 KB for NDEF messages Typed data is contained in the lightweight binary format known as NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format). The NFC Forum has specified it for use with NFC for transmission and storage. Write and Read NDEF Messages to Internal SRAM Interrupt Using SPI or I2C Interface Pin output and registration for NDEF Reading or Writing Finished. Up to 848 kbps Supported via 13.56-MHz RF Interface. 

Witty Fox - SI7021 Humidity Temperature Sensor Breakout Board

A precise relative humidity sensor with a range of 0-80% RH and a maximum RH of 3%.Commercial Grade Temperature Sensor with High Accuracy, 0.4 °C (max), -10 to 85 °C. Operating range for RH: 0% to 100%. working range of -40 to +125 °C is possible. (1.9 to 3.6 V) Wide working voltage range. Compatible with microcontrollers such as the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU, and others. 



Witty Fox Offers a range of batteries. To know more check out our product page: https://robocraze.com/collections/witty-fox