DIY Kits

If you love learning new skills and creating something unique then DIY kits are a great way to start, the best part is They come with all the materials and instructions you need to do a specific project

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Buy DIY Kits Online at Best Price in India

The early years of a child's life are critical not only for physical development but also for intellectual development. Their interests and personalities develop between the ages of 0 and 8. It is critical to channel them properly and provide critical support for their development. Educational kits are an excellent and low-cost tool for this purpose.

Buy Latest DIY Kits Models Online from Robocraze. Explore Variety of Best DIY Robotic Kits like two and four-wheeler drive DIY kit for smart cars and bikes.


Robotics Kits are a great way to get into robotic technology. These kits provide the user with everything they need to build their own working robot from scratch, or upgrade an existing one. They contain parts like motors and circuit boards, as well as tools for assembling them—allowing users of all ages and skill levels to construct something unique while learning about robotics in the process. Robotic kits can be used for anything from teaching kids basic coding skills through building competitions with friends; no matter what you're looking at discovering there’s boundless potential waiting to be unlocked when investing in a DIY kit! With quality products available that offer exceptional value-for money it's clear why robotics is becoming increasingly popular within hobbyists but also industry professionals alike!

DIY Kits Prices in India

DIY Creeping Tiny GeckoRs. 249
4WD Four Wheel Drive Kit - A Smart Robot Car with ChassisRs. 575
DIY Uno Project Smart Robot Car Kit V 3.0Rs. 6,049
5 in 1 Sensor Kit for ArduinoRs. 395

DIY Educational Electric Reptile Robot for Science Experiment


Solar powered Black Cockroach Bug Toy


DIY Colorful Wind Generator Car


DIY Conversion of Energy Science Experiment by LED Alarm Clock using Potato


DIY Tesla Coil Mini Kit Wireless Electric Power Transmission


DIY D2-5 Intelligent Tracking Line Car Kit


14 in 1 Educational DIY Solar Transformers Robot Toy


Electronics Kit (Computer Science) for Grade 7 | Ekya School, CMR


Arduino Robotics Kit for Grade 8 | Ekya School, CMR


BBC Micro:Bit V2.2 Go Kit


37 in 1 Sensors Kit for Arduino


Smart AI Lens Kit for Micro:Bit by Elecfreaks

Rs. 3950



1.What are Project Kits?

Project kits usually are DIY Kits, science experiment kit, innovative kit. These kits are mainly designed to impart knowledge because they provide detailed and subtle facts on various aspects of life and physical sciences. They are mainly popular among the students who learn science and are curious to experiment.

2.Where to Buy DIY Robot Kit

Robocraze has now launched a best DIY Robot Kits collection with a wide variety of products for all age groups. These Robot Kits help increase the imagination, hands-on ability and basic science understanding along with Soldering and assembling. DIY Electronic Kits help engage Kids for a longer hour.

Buy DIY Kits India online in bulk or smaller quantities at the best price on our website.

3. What are the subjects in robotics engineering?

Robotics engineering is a dynamic and rapidly growing field in India, with great potential for innovation and development. As one of the most sought-after disciplines in today's technology-driven world, it encompasses a diverse range of subjects that are essential to understanding and designing intelligent machines. These include mechanical design, electronics, computer programming, artificial intelligence (AI), control systems, sensors and actuators integration among others. Robotics engineers use their knowledge of these elements to create advanced robotic systems capable of performing complex tasks efficiently and accurately while mimicking human behavior or surpassing it altogether. With its interdisciplinary nature bridging science with practical applications - robotics engineering offers boundless opportunities for individuals looking to make an impact on our increasingly automated society.

4. How is robotics field benefiting from ai?

The realm of robotics has experienced tremendous progress in recent times, all thanks to the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This innovation is transforming the capabilities and programming protocols of robots, resulting in a level of intelligence and productivity never seen before. Through AI-powered algorithms, robots are now able to gather insights from their surroundings and adjust accordingly without any human input. As a result, not only do they possess increased functionality but also cut down expenses for companies utilizing these cutting-edge machines. Moreover, with real-time data analysis enabled by AI technology, robots can make swift decisions on tasks like detecting objects or mapping out movements more accurately and efficiently than ever before.

5. What are the 5 major fields of robotics?

The field of robotics encompasses five main areas: Operator Interface, Mobility or Locomotion, Manipulators & Effectors, Programming and Sensing & Perception. Within the realm of Operator Interface lies a focus on creating efficient interfaces for humans to seamlessly interact with robots and maintain smooth communication and control. In regards to Mobility or Locomotion, extensive research is dedicated towards understanding how robots can effectively navigate through various environments. The design and functionality of robotic arms and tools are constantly being improved in the area of Manipulators & Effectors. The development of algorithms and software that dictate robot movements falls under Programming while Sensing & Perception concentrates on enhancing a robot's ability to interpret its surroundings.

6. What skills are required for robotics engineering?

The field of robotics engineering is booming in the current fast-paced world of technology. This specialty involves creating and building robots capable of completing various tasks, from aiding production processes in factories to conducting missions on faraway planets. To thrive as a robotics engineer, one must have a solid understanding across multiple disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, and computer science. In addition, having strong mathematical skills is vital for developing intricate algorithms that enable robots to analyze data and make independent decisions. The ability to think critically and creatively is also crucial for designing groundbreaking robotic solutions that push limits and propel advancements forward.

7. What is advanced robotics?

The field of advanced robotics is a rapidly expanding area that merges cutting-edge technology with the principles of engineering and computer science to design intelligent machines capable of performing complex tasks. These robots are equipped with innovative sensors, algorithms, and control systems that enable them to perceive their surroundings efficiently, analyze data for decision-making purposes, and carry out precise movements in response. They have transformed various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, agriculture and others by enhancing productivity while minimizing human error. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance alongside machine learning techniques applied in robotics development, we can anticipate even more advanced capabilities from these revolutionary inventions in the near future.

8. What is the work of robotics engineer?

A robotics engineer is a highly skilled professional who specializes in designing, constructing and maintaining robots for various industries. With advanced knowledge in computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical design; these experts create cutting-edge robotic systems that perform complex tasks with precision and efficiency. They utilize their expertise in programming languages, control systems, sensors and artificial intelligence to develop intelligent machines capable of collaborating with humans or operating independently. From the initial concept to deployment on the field, robotics engineers are responsible for every aspect of a robot's functionality. Their contributions drive innovation across diverse sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture and even space exploration. Through years of experience combined with analytical thinking skills; these professionals play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology.

9. What language is used in robotics?

Robotics relies heavily on language for efficient communication between humans and machines. Developers use programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++ to write code that controls robotic systems. These high-level languages offer the flexibility needed to customize robots based on specific functions required by industries like manufacturing, healthcare, or agriculture. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance in this field, natural language processing (NLP) is also becoming crucial in human-robot interaction. Therefore, it is imperative for aspiring marketers to master different coding languages if they want to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of robotics.

10. What is robotics automation?

Robotics automation is a rapidly growing field that utilizes machines or robots to undertake various tasks and processes. This innovative industry merges concepts from engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence to develop intelligent systems capable of operating independently. Utilizing human-like movements and actions, these advanced robots can perform a wide range of repetitive and intricate tasks with precision and efficiency in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, agriculture among others. With its ability to increase productivity while also enhancing worker safety by taking over hazardous jobs , robotics automation continues to evolve into an essential aspect of our modern world where technology holds significant influence on daily life.

11. Briefly describe how robotics can help in various industries?

The utilization of robotics has become a crucial aspect in today's fast-paced business landscape. With the constant demand for efficiency and productivity, various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and logistics have incorporated these advanced machines into their operations. The benefits that come with automation are plentiful - from increased accuracy and precision in repetitive tasks to reduced labor costs and improved safety conditions for workers. Additionally, robots can work non-stop without breaks or fatigue which translates to higher production rates. Their versatility also allows for customization according to specific industry needs resulting in better quality products with minimal errors. Ultimately, embracing robotics not only boosts operational efficiency but also drives innovation and growth within different sectors.

12. What is cognitive robotics?

Cognitive robotics merges the principles of cognitive science, neuroscience, and computer engineering to develop intelligent robotic systems. These robots possess advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that enable them to perceive and interact with their surroundings like humans. They can also acquire knowledge from their experiences and adjust accordingly, making them highly capable problem-solvers. With constant advancements in natural language processing, deep learning techniques, and sensor technology, cognitive robotics has transformed multiple industries including healthcare, manufacturing, and entertainment. This fast-growing market presents endless possibilities for businesses seeking to improve their operations through cutting-edge innovation.

13. Why robotics is important in education?

Robotics has become an integral part of our modern world, revolutionizing various industries and aspects of everyday life. As a branch of engineering and science focused on creating, building, and controlling robots, its importance cannot be overstated. In today's fast-paced society where technology constantly evolves, integrating robotics into education is more crucial than ever before. By engaging students in hands-on experiences with coding and programming machinery at a young age, it not only equips them with valuable technical skills but also fosters critical thinking abilities and problem-solving techniques necessary for success in the competitive job market. Additionally, cultivating interest in STEM subjects through robotics sets the foundation for future generations to excel as innovators and leaders.


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